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Unlocking the Secrets to Engaging Your Transverse Abdominis After Pregnancy


Hey there, fellow moms and anyone on the postpartum fitness journey! If you've ever felt the frustration of your upper abs stealing the spotlight while trying to engage your transverse abdominis post-pregnancy, you're not alone. I'm Munira, a pre and post-natal physiotherapist, and today, I'm here to guide you through the maze of connecting with your lower transverse abdominis.


Challenges in Engaging the Lower Transverse Abdominis


Perhaps you've experienced the feeling of your middle and upper abs dominating the scene while the lower ones seem left out. It's a common struggle, rooted in a couple of factors:

Your body might be accustomed to defaulting to pulling in the middle and upper abdomen. Importantly, this isn't wrong—it's simply the strategy your body has been relying on for quite some time.

The weight of your growing baby during pregnancy turned the lower abdomen into a powerhouse, working overtime to provide crucial support. If Pilates wasn't your primary workout before pregnancy, engaging those lower abs might now feel like learning a new language.


Understanding the Transverse Abdominis


To better grasp the situation, let's demystify our hidden hero—the transverse abdominis:

Imagine it as a superhero, concealed deep within your abdomen—a large, flat sheet of muscle. It wraps around the sides, transforming into connective tissue and forming the linea alba. Its superpower? When it contracts, it pulls in the abdomen.

Importance of Connecting to the Lower Abdomen

Now, why invest time and effort in this engagement process? Let's break it down

The lower abdomen is often referred to as the hangout spot for the notorious "mummy pouch," showcasing lingering laxity and weakness.

Consciously engaging this area becomes crucial, as it helps reinforce weakened muscles and tissues. This conscious effort provides an opportunity to work with it during core exercises, aiding in overall postpartum recovery.

How to Engage Your Transverse Abdominis

Now, let's delve into the practical side of things. Here's a comprehensive guide to connecting with your lower transverse abdominis:

Starting Position:

Stand in front of a mirror with your shirt lifted, providing a full view of your abdominal region. Take a deep breath and fully relax, allowing a reset before beginning the engagement process.

Cue for Engagement:

Gently draw in the area below your belly button towards your spine. Experiment with different cues, like pulling in between the belly button and pubic bone, to find the one that resonates best with your body.

Checking Engagement:

As you engage, observe the movement in the lower abdomen. It's also crucial to locate the pubic bone by pressing along your abdomen to ensure proper engagement.

Practice and Persistence:

Patience is key—Rome wasn't built in a day. With consistent practice, your brain will adapt, and engagement will become a more natural part of your routine over time.

Changing Positions for Better Connection

Now, let's explore the game-changing strategy of altering positions for a better connection:

If standing feels like a standoff, experiment with sitting down. This change in position can often provide a fresh perspective.

Take it horizontal—side-lying position can be your ally in fostering a deeper connection. Experiment with different angles to find what works best for you.

The Ultimate Goal: Standing Engagement

But why the emphasis on standing engagement? Here's the rationale:

It's crucial for everyday activities like lifting kids or handling a car seat. As your connection strengthens, gradually progress from sitting to standing to integrate this engagement into various aspects of your life.

What to Do if Middle or Upper Areas Are Difficult

Don't be disheartened if the middle and upper areas aren't cooperating; we've got a plan for that too:

Apply the same engagement process to these areas.

Find a comfortable position that works for you, then gradually transition to standing as your connection strengthens.

Take Action and Share

Now, let's put theory into practice:

Stand in front of that mirror, fully embracing your journey to connect with your lower transverse abdominis.

And if this information resonates with you or someone you know, don't hesitate to share the love!

Additional Resources

For moments when you encounter roadblocks, consider these valuable resources:

Moms dealing with Diastasis, I've crafted a guide to overcome common plateau reasons.

Professionals in the field, level up your expertise with my online course, "Diastasis Rectus Abdominus and the Postpartum Core."

Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about progress. Here's to building stronger connections, engaged cores, and embracing the beautiful journey of postpartum fitness! 🌟

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